Posted in Parenting Hacks

Puzzle Pouch

With space at a premium in our condo, I am always looking for ways to keep the Tiny Humans’ toys within easy reach but contained.  Given Tiny Human #2’s new found mobility this is especially the case for toys with small pieces such as puzzles/magnetic play sets.

I have passed these zippered pouches at the dollar store numerous times thinking they could one day be useful. I picked a couple up today thinking I would hot glue them to the back of the puzzle to hold the pieces but when I got them home I realized that the puzzles fit right inside them.  Problem solved!! Best of all they are see through so Tiny Human #1 can see which puzzle she is grabbing and for bigger puzzles/ play sets, the dollar store has inexpensive laptop sleeves that should do the trick.



I am a recovering political staffer, communications professional and mommy to three tiny humans.

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