Posted in Parenting, Travel Gear

Do you really need another one?

M posed this question to me a couple of weeks ago when I floated the idea of buying another baby carrier. In his defence it is a fair question, somewhere along the way in our parenting adventure I began to amass a small stash of baby carriers.

  1. Moby Wrap
  2. Pouch Sling
  3. Ergo 
  4. Boba Air
  5. Blue Celery Wrap

and the newest addition, BabyHawk Mei Tai.

I blame it on the fact our tiny humans are little cuddle monsters.  The Moby was perfect when the Tiny Humans were very tiny, the pouch sling great for leaving in the car for emergencies.  The Ergo is M’s favourite and our go to for hiking but I never really warmed to it.  The padding was just too overwhelming.   The Boba Air is my favourite, perfect for travelling or quick trips but it’s black, boring and I started feeling the pull to find something with a bit more padding but still easy to store. The Blue Celery Wrap was the solution to my last round of carrier blahs. I bought it for a steal on clearance at a local baby store.  My second favourite after the Boba Air, the Blue Celery is pretty, easy to store and I can wear it as a scarf BUT Tiny Human #2 is getting bigger and it is no longer as comfortable.  SO in comes the Mei Tai, I knew having a baby store right next to the library we go to for Babytime would prove dangerous. I am still trying to get the hang out of tying it and the weather hasn’t really lent itself to long baby walks but so far it is pretty looking and pretty comfortable.

Will the Mei Tai solve the carrier blahs? we shall see.  What’s your favourite baby carrier?

UPDATE: The Mei Tai did add a touch of colour and got rid of SOME of my blahs but I found the straps annoying when wearing the carrier inside my coat and I could not put it on first then slip the baby inside. For Tiny Human #3 I have added the Phil and Ted’s Airlight to the mix. I worry it may be discontinued. I found it at discount at our local baby store. The carrier has many of the features I love about the Boba Air with the added benefit of working from newborn and folding into a little fanny pack rather than a pouch.


I am a recovering political staffer, communications professional and mommy to three tiny humans.

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