Posted in Parenting

What’s inside the mommy bag

I feel kind of silly that I started a blog called “inside the mommy bag” but have never really talked about what is in my mommy bag.  I am firm believer that just because you are a mom, that doesn’t mean you need to tote a big ugly diaper bag.  There are a few things that are a must, such as an easy to clean interior and zipper closure, but if it makes you happy, USE IT!!!

With Tiny Human #1 my “mommy bag” of choice was one of my folding Longchamps tote bags or my zippered Lug tote bag. Easy to throw on my shoulder when baby wearing or stash in the bottom of the stroller. With the impending arrival of Tiny Human #2 I realized that a shoulder strap would be helpful.  M returned home from a business trip with a purple Longchamps hobo style bag with a wide shoulder strap, handy outside pocket for my water bottle or keys and enough room for all my assorted baby / pre-schooler necessities. It became my go to mommy bag and is always packed by the door waiting for our next adventure.

Now that I am the mom of a 2 and 5 year old the contents have changed slightly but a most items have stood the test of time and earned their spot in the mommy bag. I have also given honourable mention to those items that sadly departed the bag as I shifted out of the tiny baby phase.

  • Wet wipes (in addition to diaper wipes, I like to stash some wet wipes in a little pouch, along with emergency Kleenex, for quick clean ups)
  • Museum membership cards (in a little coin pouch so they are easy to spot)
  • Water bottle-I love my Swell bottle but for the Tiny Humans, these from Tupperware are easy for little hands to open and close. This Camelback water bottle is also a favourite. (now two water bottles because… well sisters)
  • Silicone drink covers– A life, or at least lap saving invention to minimize spills. (Usually stashed in the pouch with the wet wipes)
  • Bendy straws-Stowed safely in a toothbrush holder.
  • Diaper pouch-I made my own diaper pouch while pregnant with Tiny Human #1 and it is still going strong.
  • Folding potty seat-Perfect for independent 2 year olds who don’t want you to hold them over a public toilet.
  • Everything blanket-So many uses blanket, towel, picnic blanket and on more than one occasion emergency clothing.
  • Change of clothes-Stowed in a pouch like this one, along with a plastic bag to contain the evidence. I also tuck in a shirt for myself after a very embarrassing walk through Boston Pizza in a contaminated t-shirt. My choice was that or the above mentioned blanket.
  • Tiny toys-Usually McD’s Happy Meal Barbies or little toys that are easy to replace if they go AWOL.
  • Magnet blocks-Such a huge hit with the Tiny Humans we ended up buying another set.
  • A pad of paper/pack of crayons
  • Snacks-If you can find them, Tupperware makes great little snack containers that are just the right size for a granola bar or baby biscuits. We now use them in lunches.
  • Applesauce pouches-Perfect for emergency hangry attacks.  These little tops help prevent the grabby sticky mess that sometimes comes from passing a hungry grumpy toddler a food pouch.
  • Silicone placemat
  • Tiny books-McDonalds is now giving out little books in place of Happy Meal toys but we have also managed to pick up some mini books at Chapters.

Honourable mention:

  • Nursing pocho
  • Small pouch with baby utensils and food.
  • Snack cup-This one by Skip Hop has a lid that not only attaches to the cup, it also manages to stay closed in the diaper bag.
  • Food pouch spoons– Easy to clean and take up almost no room in your diaper bag.
  • Folding bib
  • Folding high chair
  • Change mat-We are moving out of the change mat phase but this mat still makes its way into the bag if I think the Tiny Humans will need a mat to sit on.



I am a recovering political staffer, communications professional and mommy to three tiny humans.

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