Posted in condo living, Parenting Hacks

Camping in the Bedroom

We know it won’t last forever but for the time being the Tiny Humans are very happily sharing a bedroom. Well for the most part happily sharing a room, Tiny Human #2 is a night owl and Tiny Human #1 is exhausted by school and fancies herself a “morning person.” All this to say that light in the room sometimes causes friction. We invested in remote controlled blinds for the bedroom but that does not help with light in the room or Tiny Human #1 waking up Tiny Human #2 when she got up in the morning. On a trip to Ikea to stock up on batteries, waffles and meatballs we noticed these little tents for the head of their beds. The bottom of the tents slips under the mattress providing each Tiny Human with their own personal cocoon for blocking out their sibling. The tents unfortunately don’t stop Tiny Human #1 from waking up her sister to ask if she’s still sleeping, or Tiny Human #2 shining a flashlight in her sister’s eyes to see if they are open.


I am a recovering political staffer, communications professional and mommy to three tiny humans.

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