Posted in Parenting, Parenting Hacks

Call me dark hearted but I like warm tea

 This post from made me laugh this morning it proves the point I guess that a mother’s work is never done.  I’ll be honest one of the things I miss most about having an office to go to each morning is having the time to enjoy at least a couple sips of nice warm cup of tea to start off my day.  I’ve tried to enjoy tea at home, I really have, but it eventually ended up spilled, contaminated by random Tiny Human food or turned depressingly cold before I had a chance to drink it.

Then I discovered S’well bottles, which claim to keep liquids cold for 24 hours and warm for 12 hours.  As a huge water drinker I am always on the look out for new water bottles. (My almost 4 years of parenting have taught me that glasses of water are just asking for trouble) I pined over the bottles for a couple of months but could not justify the price tag.  I put a bottle on my Christmas list and hoped for the best.  The Tiny Humans aided by their awesome Daddy came through.  Tiny Human #1 picked out the bottle, a pattern called “Dark Hearted”a total coincidence her father assures me.

Guess what, the bottle actually works.  I can now have a cup of warm tea that lasts for hours.  I can even make tea the night before and still wake up to warm tea. While not life changing, the extra caffeine is nice, particularly when Tiny Human #2 goes on a nap strike.

Posted in Parenting, Parenting Hacks

Emerging from the sick nest

It’s been a long couple of weeks here, starting with Tiny Human #1 coming home from daycare three weeks ago complaining of a sore ear.  It all went downhill from there as the killer cold/tummy bug spread through the house leaving a trail of kleenex and laundry in its wake.

My favourite tip for dealing with a Tiny Human who is under the weather is to use a vinyl backed tablecloth to protect your couch.  Tiny Human #1 refers to it as her sick nest, feathering her nest with blankies and towels. A benefit of condo living is that she can stay in her nest all night within shouting distance of mummy and daddy, but the tablecloth trick can also work as a bed liner.

Other tips:

  1. Freeze applesauce in popsicle moulds or ice cube trays to help soothe tiny throats.  We put the frozen applesauce into a mesh feeder for Tiny Human #2
  2. Use an elastic bands to attach an empty tissue box to a full one to hold used tissues
  3. Designate a large bowl as a sick bowl
  4. Take Tiny Humans into the bathroom with you when you shower to take advantage of the warm moist air





Posted in Crafts, Parenting Hacks

Under Cover Poncho

Purple poncho posing on the kitchen floor

While pregnant with Tiny Human #1 I was given a traditional nursing cover.  It did the job but… A)I always felt like I was wearing an apron B) it just screamed look at me I have a baby under here C) it did nothing to cover my back and sides.  There had to be a better way, then during a late night Pinterest hunt I found a pattern for a one seam poncho made of jersey knit.  I went to the fabric store, found a nice black jersey knit and fired up the sewing machine.

I road tested the poncho on a trip to London.  It passed the test! It was lightweight, easy to pack and stylish enough to wear while wandering around London. I was even able to breast feed on the plane without feeling like I was about to flash the man across the aisle.

The original post seems to have disappeared but this pattern is similar. I am not crazy about the raw edges but someone with a bit more patience and talent could problem fix that problem.

If you are not a fan of needle and thread, similar infinity scarf nursing covers are sold at most baby stores or you can keep your eye out for jersey knit ponchos.  I picked up a  gorgeous purple one from a local shoppe with a neckline I love.

A side benefit I discovered after Tiny Human #2 came along is that a poncho cover is perfect for covering the “leaking” that seems to take a few weeks to sort   out.

The poncho has earned its place in the mommy bag, doing triple duty as back up blanket and car seat black out curtain.

Posted in Parenting Hacks

Puzzle Pouch

With space at a premium in our condo, I am always looking for ways to keep the Tiny Humans’ toys within easy reach but contained.  Given Tiny Human #2’s new found mobility this is especially the case for toys with small pieces such as puzzles/magnetic play sets.

I have passed these zippered pouches at the dollar store numerous times thinking they could one day be useful. I picked a couple up today thinking I would hot glue them to the back of the puzzle to hold the pieces but when I got them home I realized that the puzzles fit right inside them.  Problem solved!! Best of all they are see through so Tiny Human #1 can see which puzzle she is grabbing and for bigger puzzles/ play sets, the dollar store has inexpensive laptop sleeves that should do the trick.


Posted in Parenting Hacks

Where good bendy straws go to die…

Not thrilled at the notion of carting sippy cups around with me, Tiny Human #1 learned to drink from a straw at an early age.  Unfortunately, her insistence on sitting sans booster seat meant that we spent half our meal holding the cup in front of her while she sipped from the straw provided or carefully letting her sip from a cup.  I took to packing a few bendy straws in my purse for drinks on the run but sadly the mommy bag is not a happy place for straws and they would end up squished and broken.  Then while prowling the aisles of my local dollar store I had a brain wave.  Plastic toothbrush holders are just the right size to hold a bendy straw.  The plastic container means it is easy to spot in my purse and the straws stay clean and intact.  Now if only I could find a solution to those fragile cereal bars Tiny Human #1 is in love with… maybe a soap dish.1282199549032_hz-myalibaba-temp14_6981