Posted in Travel Gear

Top Travel Gear for Under 2

Apart from a well stocked diaper bag, below are some of the items I have found useful when traveling with Tiny Humans
1. Light yet sturdy umbrella stroller with storage (we have the UppaBaby G-luxe, which has worked well for us but the price keeps climbing and I am not sure if I could justify the purchase today, stay tuned for other options at various price )
2. Travel high chair: we have this one which is small enough to fit in your mommy bag and fits most chairs.
3. Baby carrier, you cannot always rely on being able to bring your stroller everywhere and sometimes Tiny Humans just want a cuddle on the go.  Boba air is hands down my favourite for older babies and toddlers. I have even used it on the plane to try and get some much needed sleep. It folds down small enough to go with you everywhere. (I noticed Phil and Ted  and Ergo have now come out with similar travel friendly options)
4. Pashmina type scarf (covers up baby related stains on you, back up blanket and sun shade)
5. Stroller caddy with mesh bag, the bag I bought doesn’t seem available anymore but this one is similar.  I find the mesh bag useful for stowing items you want easy access to like guide books, snacks and diapers.
6. Tide packets, available in the travel aisle of most drugstores, these little packets of liquid Tide are great for washing tiny clothes on the go and treating stains before they set.
7. Baby Gourmet packets of baby cereal, we have found baby cereal stocked in many of the grocery stores we’ve come across in our travels but it doesn’t hurt to have a back up plan.
8. Reusable water bottle, depending on the age of your Tiny Human this may be more for you but for older Tiny Humans, having their own water bottle saves spills, particularly on planes or trains. It is also useful to have water with you for cleaning tiny sticky hands.
9. Foldable bib, there are a couple of different options, I like the Zoo Tuck-away Bib by Skip Hop.  They are cute, fold down super small and quick drying.  All good things when travelling. Skip Hop doesn’t seem to be making them anymore but they do have these really thin silicone bibs.
10. Spoon tips– These are new additions to the Traveling Mommy Bag but so much easier than squeezing pouches out into a bowl or attempting to feed Tiny Humans directly from the pouch. I usually bring a couple of pouches with me but this is another baby item it has been surprisingly easy to track down in our travels through Europe.
I am planning a longer post with some of the tips we have picked up while travelling with Tiny Humans but here’s a little teaser:
1. Bring a couple of baby face cloths for cleaning tiny faces, I usually wet the facecloth before we set out for the day and store it in a sandwich baggy or small waterproof bag (like this one) At the end of the day I clean the cloth with a little bit of the Tide soap and let it dry.
2. Instead of bringing baby bowls I find it useful to bring bowls with lids to store extra food
Posted in Parenting, Parenting Hacks

Emerging from the sick nest

It’s been a long couple of weeks here, starting with Tiny Human #1 coming home from daycare three weeks ago complaining of a sore ear.  It all went downhill from there as the killer cold/tummy bug spread through the house leaving a trail of kleenex and laundry in its wake.

My favourite tip for dealing with a Tiny Human who is under the weather is to use a vinyl backed tablecloth to protect your couch.  Tiny Human #1 refers to it as her sick nest, feathering her nest with blankies and towels. A benefit of condo living is that she can stay in her nest all night within shouting distance of mummy and daddy, but the tablecloth trick can also work as a bed liner.

Other tips:

  1. Freeze applesauce in popsicle moulds or ice cube trays to help soothe tiny throats.  We put the frozen applesauce into a mesh feeder for Tiny Human #2
  2. Use an elastic bands to attach an empty tissue box to a full one to hold used tissues
  3. Designate a large bowl as a sick bowl
  4. Take Tiny Humans into the bathroom with you when you shower to take advantage of the warm moist air





Posted in Recipes

Banana Rice Teething Biscuits

Awhile ago I posted the recipe for Tiny Human #1’s favourite mini muffins.  Not to be left out, below is the recipe I came up with for a teething biscuit for Tiny Human #2.  These also double as dog biscuits for BajanMutt thanks to Tiny Human #2’s love of throwing things.


1 cup rice flour or baby cereal

1 mushed up banana (or about 4 tablespoons of fruit puree if not a banana fan)

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)


Preheat oven to 350F, Line cookie sheet with parchment paper

Mix flour and baking powder then add in banana, egg and vanilla.  Stir until well combined.

Shape tablespoons of dough into fat sausage shapes or balls and place on parchment paper carefully flattening the shapes.  Depending on the size of your banana you should get over a dozen cookies.

Bake for 30-40 minutes until brown

Posted in Parenting Hacks

Puzzle Pouch

With space at a premium in our condo, I am always looking for ways to keep the Tiny Humans’ toys within easy reach but contained.  Given Tiny Human #2’s new found mobility this is especially the case for toys with small pieces such as puzzles/magnetic play sets.

I have passed these zippered pouches at the dollar store numerous times thinking they could one day be useful. I picked a couple up today thinking I would hot glue them to the back of the puzzle to hold the pieces but when I got them home I realized that the puzzles fit right inside them.  Problem solved!! Best of all they are see through so Tiny Human #1 can see which puzzle she is grabbing and for bigger puzzles/ play sets, the dollar store has inexpensive laptop sleeves that should do the trick.


Posted in Parenting Hacks

Where good bendy straws go to die…

Not thrilled at the notion of carting sippy cups around with me, Tiny Human #1 learned to drink from a straw at an early age.  Unfortunately, her insistence on sitting sans booster seat meant that we spent half our meal holding the cup in front of her while she sipped from the straw provided or carefully letting her sip from a cup.  I took to packing a few bendy straws in my purse for drinks on the run but sadly the mommy bag is not a happy place for straws and they would end up squished and broken.  Then while prowling the aisles of my local dollar store I had a brain wave.  Plastic toothbrush holders are just the right size to hold a bendy straw.  The plastic container means it is easy to spot in my purse and the straws stay clean and intact.  Now if only I could find a solution to those fragile cereal bars Tiny Human #1 is in love with… maybe a soap dish.1282199549032_hz-myalibaba-temp14_6981